Wen-bin Shi slowly nodded, "I want to see where Classical can escape."
It’s just a few days, and the rivers and lakes are full of excitement in the green forest. On whether Xue Muhua and You’s brothers called the people in the Jianghu to get rid of rape and suffered a great defeat, or whether a group of classical people suffered a great defeat and the loyalist…
She rushed to the hospital like crazy, and she ran through more than twenty traffic lights.
When she arrived at the hospital, several police cars followed her behind her, but she didn’t care about anything, so she strode to the hospital with her bag on her back. But when she gasped and ran inside, the nurse told her that it was not manager Teng’s car accident, but a celebrity who made…
The general didn’t speak, but he clenched his fist until the operator called again for a few seconds, and then the general said, "Everything goes on as planned."
…… What exactly is its plan? Lin thought it should be a plan to blow up all the black metal at once. The battlefield pompoms continued to fly and watched. Just now, the crystal lizard monsters reappeared in the city after they fell down, and there were quite a number of them, so there was…
When the plane arrived at Jiangzhou airport, it was already two o’clock in the afternoon. When they left the airport gate, they saw the car that received them parked in a corner of the airport. The three men went into the car without talking.
The car went around the outer ring road. When entering the entrance of the city, Han Yu suddenly shouted "Stop". The screeching noise of the car’s emergency braking tires on the ground is like a few small needles hurting people’s nerves. Sunday said discontentedly, "Hey, what do you want?" "If you want to live, don’t…
"Stop it and wait a minute."
Wang Man doesn’t know what’s going on, but she is always very obedient to Xu Le’s words. At this time, Wang Man directly took out the Xie Wenjie note "Blood Fire" and handed it to Xu Le. This note can be seen by Xu Le, and this note body is not an ordinary thing, but…
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