Yu Long released his mind and kept an eye on the movement around him as he advanced.
He deliberately spread a strong momentum and waited for the other front to appear. After advancing to a planet with an area three times the size of the earth, Yu Long suddenly stopped and looked around, and a grim smile appeared on his mouth. "Now that I know that I’m coming, I have to play…
Fall to the ground
Guyun front This figure is humanoid and looks like a human woman. But covered with black viscous liquid, it looks like a person formed from mud. And its black liquid flows through the ground and the ground becomes soft and muddy. Then the second figure climbed from the rock. At first glance Adi himself saw…
Charles looked at Xu seriously. "Good friend, can you help us this time, but can you still help our generation?"? This road is full of dangers, and we can’t bring you down. "
Alice King also said, "You should be white when you come from afar. If anything happens to you, our family will have a hard conscience, and although you can handle two people, the mafia is so powerful that it only stops two people." Twenty people? 200 people Two thousand people? And how can you deal…
Seeks for looking at Sue night feeling wobbly into the su’s a little worried about big housewife will fall for a second.
Manager Lu is too unrestrained to perform this lively scene in broad daylight. At the same time, Liu Yichen also frowned at Sue’s late mood. Be sure to take her to exercise in the gym from tonight. How can this small physique be enough for him to toss and turn? Sue came back to the…
Many elders of the Dragon clan divined the secret law once, but the result was that 19 people were all killed! The grief of the Dragon Elders is even more furious. After years of hiding in the secret realm of the celestial world, the Dragon immediately searched for the murderer who killed their people in they nest. Of course, the most obvious clue was Ao Xue-less than half of the people in the celestial world knew that Ao Xue was a rejuvenation hall door and a rare blood dragon. Thirty years ago, it was Ao Xue’s blood dragon body that broke through the world barriers and became a dragon statue!
Dragon Taihe and the ten elders are the dragon secret method, which follows the breath of the newborn dragon statue and goes to say that the dragon is too dead and who is the biggest Aoxue will definitely run away. Several dragon clansmen came to Ziluoxingyu with the dragon clan chief’s edict, and they colluded…
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