However, the "Great Curse of the Sun and the Nest" is worn out; Twisting blue lanterns is a perfect closed small world; Jenny Lan Qi came to Middle-earth from another world … After such an experience, Su Jing came into contact with "Yu" far more than her peers. Although she did not deliberately study it, it was difficult to talk about "Yu" in her spare time when she followed her nine ancestors and studied with her peers.
Neither Liu Yajiu nor the two teachers will tell him those abstruse truths are explained by conjunctions, so Su Jing’s understanding of the word "Yu" is much more thorough than that of many rookies in Jiantu. Su Jing was surprised that Dacheng University’s "Clouds and Eyes" was broken, and at the same time, his mind…
At that time, even if they barely got together, they all took each other as strangers.
If there is a slight problem, the team may fall apart At the moment, it has changed. After more than two hours of getting along and getting to know each other, everyone has barely known the root of it, and they have a sense of identity with each other. In this way, this team is…
Ha novel network
Chapter 262 Longyou move Lin Hao’s expression is somewhat "yin" because Longyou’s action speed is much faster than he thought, and he is still on guard. He has already arrived in the city, and then the order is not in place, so he has already fallen into desertion. If it weren’t for Longyou’s negligence, I’m…
"Come with me." The blue thrush demon greeted the ten statue-level strong men behind him, and immediately eleven statue-level masters moved to the center of the celestial world to leave five immortals such as skyshatter.
"How many emperor-level masters did the God beast kill for the first time?" Shen Tu Xian Zun asked for skyshatter, who kept asking if he didn’t guess wrong, it should be Xuanlin who sent all the people together. "It killed a Mundus and a demon emperor." For the first time, he said what he knew.…
Any practitioner who rises to the heart will feel uneasy and awe in addition to limiting joy. Su Jing is no exception. At first, he pretended to be confused and didn’t make a fuss. It was because of his fear that he dared not rashly and unconsciously that he would feel that the immortal family sitting on the ground would have his own eyes.
Li Dashun heard this and smiled again. She can understand that a hundred years ago, she knew as well as Su Jing that she would never be bad, but there would still be awe, not for anyone, but for this celestial world. At that time, Dashunxian’s own Taoist altar had to have many high-ranking people,…
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