Category: 桑拿会所

  • 标题:探寻上海鼓楼蒸桑拿的养生之旅——地址电话一应俱全





    1. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(静安区店)

    2. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(徐汇区店)

    3. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(浦东新区店)

    4. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(黄浦区店)

    5. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(普陀区店)


    1. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(静安区店)

    2. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(徐汇区店)

    3. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(浦东新区店)

    4. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(黄浦区店)

    5. 鼓楼蒸桑拿店(普陀区店)


    1. 蒸桑拿:根据个人体质和需求,提供多种蒸汽房供顾客选择,如纯桑拿房、草本桑拿房、盐晶桑拿房等。

    2. 按摩:提供专业按摩师,为顾客提供全身按摩、局部按摩等多种服务。

    3. 水疗:采用先进的设备,结合按摩手法,帮助顾客舒缓肌肉疲劳,改善睡眠。

    4. 美容:提供面部护理、身体护理等多种美容项目,帮助顾客改善肌肤问题。

    5. 食疗:提供各种养生美食,如五谷杂粮、滋补汤品等,帮助顾客调理身体。


    1. 蒸桑拿前请先喝一杯温水,有助于身体排出毒素。

    2. 蒸桑拿时请保持适当的水分摄入,避免脱水。

    3. 患有高血压、心脏病等疾病的患者请在专业人士指导下进行蒸桑拿。

    4. 蒸桑拿后请避免立即洗澡,以免身体受凉。


  • 标题:上海自助桑拿酒店,享受一站式休闲体验




    1. 桑拿房:酒店内的桑拿房采用先进的设备,提供多种桑拿方式,如干蒸、湿蒸、药浴等,帮助消费者排除体内毒素,促进血液循环。

    2. 汗蒸房:汗蒸房通过高温使人体大量出汗,加速新陈代谢,改善身体机能,达到美容养生的效果。

    3. 温泉池:酒店设有室内外温泉池,水质清澈,富含多种矿物质,消费者可以尽情享受泡温泉的乐趣。

    4. 健身房:酒店配备专业的健身器材,消费者可以在休闲娱乐之余,锻炼身体,保持健康。

    5. 电影院:酒店设有电影院,消费者可以在这里观看最新上映的电影,享受视听盛宴。

    6. 儿童乐园:酒店设有儿童乐园,为家长提供带娃休闲的好去处,让孩子们在游戏中快乐成长。



    1. 自助早餐:酒店提供丰富多样的自助早餐,包括中式、西式、日式等多种风味,满足消费者多样化的口味。

    2. 自助午餐和晚餐:酒店的自助午餐和晚餐同样丰富,提供各种中式、西式、日式、韩式等美食,让消费者尽情品尝。

    3. 美酒佳酿:酒店还提供各类美酒佳酿,如红酒、白酒、啤酒等,为消费者提供更多选择。



    1. 限时抢购:酒店定期推出限时抢购活动,消费者可以以优惠的价格享受桑拿、汗蒸、温泉等服务。

    2. 会员优惠:酒店设有会员制度,会员可以享受折扣、积分兑换等优惠。

    3. 团体优惠:酒店为团体游客提供团体优惠,让团队出行更加经济实惠。


  • 标题:上海泡脚桑拿推荐哪家?探寻魔都养生休闲新去处



    1. 简介:上海天龙桑拿会所成立于2003年,是一家集足浴养生、大型健康保健按摩服务为一体的专业机构。曾荣获上海市2006年底价格诚信建设单称号等多项殊荣,深受消费者好评。

    2. 特色:天龙桑拿会所环境优雅,拥有多种风格,为都市人打造世外桃源般的休闲空间。专业理疗手法,让您在轻松愉悦的氛围中舒缓压力、保健养生。

    3. 服务:天龙桑拿会所拥有经验丰富的管理层和充满活力的服务团队,把顾客当婴儿对待,细心呵护,真诚服务。


    1. 简介:上海龙凤桑拿中心在业内享有盛誉,是一家集桑拿、按摩、足浴、养生为一体的综合性休闲场所。

    2. 特色:龙凤桑拿中心环境舒适,服务周到,拥有专业的理疗师团队,为您提供高品质的养生服务。

    3. 服务:龙凤桑拿中心注重顾客体验,为您提供一对一的专属服务,让您在舒适的环境中享受身心愉悦。


    1. 简介:XX洗浴中心是一家集日式、泰式等多种洗浴方式于一体的综合性洗浴中心。

    2. 特色:XX洗浴中心将传统洗浴方式与现代休闲理念相结合,打造出独特的泡脚桑拿体验。

    3. 服务:XX洗浴中心拥有多种泉质,如冷水风吕、壶风吕、露天岩风吕、美肌风吕等,满足不同顾客的需求。


    1. 上海XX足浴按摩馆:以专业、贴心的服务,为您提供舒适的泡脚桑拿体验。

    2. 上海XX养生馆:专注于养生保健,为您提供专业的足浴、按摩、桑拿等服务。


  • There is a dark archway with five colors in the center.

    It was he who borrowed the Five Ghosts King’s strength to refine the local evil spirit map.
    Nowadays, the handle of Qingyun Mountain has become an evil array to protect the mountain, and it has also shown its weather.
    It’s not that he always buries this volume of the detective array in the mountains.
    With this magic weapon, he can also have one more means to enter the vice middle school in the future.
    At that time, if the map cloth is sent to the ground again, the evil spirit will defend the array, and it is his horde of immortals.
    If it weren’t for dozens of immortals, he would have been able to warm up the array and the gods.
    Lingqing withdrew the altar again and looked at the turbid evil spirit Yuan Ding and Longshan Ding Gai before floating.
    These two objects are also artifacts, each with a turbid Shaqi and a dragon mountain handle.
    It was originally put here to warm up the acceleration handle of Qingyun Mountain.
    Now, these two artifacts have also been removed from the altar, and they are naturally no longer placed here.
    I thought about it for a while and I didn’t know what to do with it, so I took it away.
    Then look at some tired brainwave and Wen Jun said.
    "Let’s go and have a rest after the New Year’s Eve."
    Tired and sleepy, the two clever boys nodded and walked to the restaurant.
    After a quick meal, let Sangu take Wen Jun who has fallen asleep to sleep.
    Lingqing took a kowtow and dozed off and gave him to Brother Zhong.
    Back in the view, he was about to rest in Lingqing Pavilion when he suddenly saw a touch of green beside Linghua Pool, which was particularly conspicuous.
    Chapter three hundred and twelve Handle raises spiritual species
    Linghua Pool is the pond dug by Lingqing in front of Qingling Pavilion.
    He planted all kinds of spiritual plants around him, and even in the middle of winter, it was evergreen and unbeaten.
    And that touch of green is not dazzling, but it makes people ignore it.
    When he came near, he saw a bud with two leaves just breaking through the ground.
    He looked at this place, which was the place where he planted the crimson snow fairy and gave him the spiritual seed.
    He had also checked before and there was no sign of germination.
    Now there’s new digging around, and it’s only just a matter of time before I think about it.
    It should be when the handle of Qingyun Mountain condenses.
    Lingqing reached out and touched the green leaves to perceive its information.
    The sight in front of him scared him to a standstill.
    He came to his senses and put his hand again to see this slender rhizome, which is only two centimeters high in bud but was born poor.
    Throughout the whole Qingyun Mountain, energy is constantly being drawn.
    Not only that, but the roots of 72 detective trees have been linked together.
    Nowadays, the real eye of the Dungeon Array is not the Quidditch Tree but it.
    At the same time, Lingqing has learned the name and ability of this spirit.
    Boundary tree is a magical spirit species.
    The most important thing to suppress the fate of the cave and the Dojo is to prop up a paradise.
    With the growth of boundary trees, the abode of fairies and immortals will gradually increase.
    At the same time, the change of abode of fairies and immortals will also affect the growth of boundary trees
    This kind of spirit can germinate and grow only when it occupies a place that is about to become a blessed land or a truly blessed cave.
    This is also the reason why Jiang Xuexian said that "it is to find the cave objects in the back of the cave house and Dojo"
    I’m afraid this spirit species wouldn’t have taken root if it hadn’t been completely isolated from the underworld and arrested the handle of Qingyun Mountain.
    Just as Lingqing was feeling, a strong desire came out from the seedlings of Jieshu.
    Want something from him
    Lingqing took out what it longed for.
    It turned out that it was the cover of the Fu Zhao Ding, the turbid evil spirit Yuan Ding, the Yuan evil spirit gourd and the dysplasia dragon staff.
    These things are artifacts made by his laws.
    This seedling is eager for artifacts?
    Or …

  • The monk’s reaction was not too slow. He could feel the threat of the other side’s hand, and the cold had reached the front, so this guy immediately waved his sword to fight back.

    It’s a pity that although he fought back, he still failed to escape the cold attack and was wiped by the chilling cold.
    But it was only a side that was wiped by the chilling cold, and the arm of the Godsworn in Ggv 10 was covered with a thick layer of ice
    The Godsworn GV nearly lost consciousness in his arm, so he reacted quickly and handed the Xianjian directly to his left hand to avoid the embarrassing scene of being shot down.
    After handing the fairy sword to his left hand, please ask the friar in Lingtai, Xuanxianmen, to immediately move his strength to shake the ice off his right arm. Unfortunately, he tried several times without success.
    In addition, the chilling root didn’t give him a chance to shake the ice in his right arm, and the stronger cold air has descended on him from all sides.
    The friar of the Qing Xuanxianmen gv 10 never dared to underestimate his strength to escape, so he never had a chance to deal with Xu Ren again.
    Xiao Yao Bao Mo Li’s hand here is more decisive and biting enough. Seeing that his feet are black for a moment, he has reached the side of a friar in Lingtai, Xuanxianmen, Qing Dynasty.
    Now, the strength of the little demon leopard has surpassed the chilling in the late taxiing period, and he has always been decisive in the war. When he appeared in the Qing Xuanxian Gate, the Lingtai territory continued to be around, there was already a huge claw shadow falling on the brother of the Lingtai territory.
    The gv 10 condition continued to be hit by a small demon leopard claw shadow and plunged directly towards the ground.
    But even so, the little demon leopard still doesn’t give up and swings two claws towards the brother of GV.
    Then two claws virtual shadow fell on the gv 10 condition monk body directly let the head into the yellow sand.
    Xu Ren’s side also made moves. Although he didn’t have the big advantage of chilling and small demon leopard, he was still at an absolute disadvantage when he faced the Godsworn in GV territory, but he successfully took the attack of the Godsworn in GV territory and was not defeated by the other side.
    Xu Ren also wanted to see what degree his strength had reached and didn’t leave, baby. Of course, this is also the reason why Xu Ren felt that it was not enough for him to be in a desperate situation to fight with a Godsworn in gv 10.
    Xu Ren side stalemate demon leopard and chilling also don’t worry too much, so the two guys will force to deal with their opponents.
    The friar who was chased by the cicada and hit the gv 10 was finally defeated by Dongcheng directly for underestimating himself.
    It’s even worse for Xiao Yaobao’s opponent. He was directly hit by Xiao Yaobao in Huangsha.
    However, Xu Ren, the little demon leopard and the chilling in this World War I all aimed to bully and didn’t want to kill those monks of the Qing Xuanxianmen. What they meant was that neither the little demon leopard opponent nor the chilling opponent had life worries.
    After chilling and Xiao Yaobao solved their opponents, they immediately came to help Xu Ren.
    Seeing a genial smile, the Godsworn in Lingtai, the strongest in Xuanqing Xianmen, immediately withdrew his body and took people around him away from the high platform of the three northern dynasties.
    Sue ladies and Ling Ruyan fought against each other. When the two brothers in GV territory saw that the brothers in GV territory, the strongest in Xuanqing Xianmen, had retreated, they could follow the man.
    Chapter five hundred and ninety-nine The ancient battlefield
    The Qing Xuanxian disciples were repelled by Daning Dynasty and knew that the monks of Daning Dynasty were not easy to mess with, even if they didn’t want to, they could find another way.
    After a period of hesitation, Brother Xuanqing Xianmen went to Liuyun Xianmen and continued to be a high platform. It seems that he intends to build a high platform in Liuyun Xianmen.
    Although Liu Yunxian’s disciples didn’t want to, they found that the four strong enemies surrounded the three great dynasties in the north, and the monks were obviously on the same front. Now they and Qing Xuanmen are the weakest. If they don’t join hands, I’m afraid the ancient battlefield will not get any benefits.
    Every ancient battlefield in China is full of dangers, especially in the first earthly battlefield. Although there are more opportunities, the dangers are also greater, and those dangers not only come from the ancient battlefield, but also from the monks who entered the ancient battlefield to explore.
    There is no connection between the outside world and the ancient battlefield. If someone has a mind to kill and seize treasure, it is very horrible. If something is killed, even a corpse may not be left inside.
    The monks of Xuanxianmen only stepped on the platform occupied by Liuyunxianmen, and they felt that a dim world had appeared as soon as their feet shook and the scenery before them changed.
    Xu Ren frowned slightly. This time it was different to enter the ancient battlefield. There was also a barrier to isolate the terrible smell of the ancient battlefield. But this time, after they entered the ancient battlefield, there was a strong murderous look and ShaQi around them.
    It’s a good thing that Xu Ren didn’t get used to his brother because he was prepared early, but he wasn’t so lucky, especially when the brother with relatively weak strength came in and smelled some strong blood and vomited in a big mess
    "It’s so suffocating. How many people have died here!"
    Let alone ordinary monks. Even two brothers, Su Ladies and Ling Ruyan, felt breathless after entering the ancient battlefield.
    "Yes, but the most important thing is to look around first. We should not only guard against the crisis in this ancient battlefield, but also guard against those outsiders."
    Ling Ruyan nodded his head after listening to Su Ladies’ words. It’s really heavy here, but for them, the most important thing is to find out the situation and their position first.
    Xu Ren released the spirit. Although there is a certain suppression of the spirit here, it is not too big for Xu Ren’s powerful spirit to be affected
    Soon, Xu Ren will explore a periphery of the ancient battlefield where they are still located. Although there are Shaqi and murderous looks everywhere, there are not many remains of the dead, which means that the danger here is still relatively small.
    In addition, Xu Ren also found that the location where they were sent in was not the same, even if they were near the Great Wilderness Dynasty and the Great Inflammation Dynasty, they didn’t know where they were at the moment.
    "We should be on the edge of the ancient battlefield. There seems to be nothing special here except the heavy Shaqi. There is neither opportunity nor great crisis."
    After some exploration, Xu Ren told Su Can and Ling Ruyan the results.
    Sue ladies and ling smoke slightly one leng, they also know Xu Ren badly but I didn’t expect him to probe so fast that even the two of them haven’t finished exploring Xu Ren, but they have mastered the surrounding situation.
    "Yeah, but even so, we have to be careful. It’s a strange world for us, and no one knows what kind of danger it will encounter."
    Ling Ruyan nodded to Xu Ren and told his entourage not to be careless.
    "Brother, I feel that there is a big crisis hidden here and something seems to call me."
    Little darling walked beside Xu Ren, and she turned a little pale.
    Although Xiaoer has seen a lot of kill array, and even burned many bodies of the Great Inflammation Dynasty and the Great Wilderness Dynasty, he still doesn’t adapt to this ancient battlefield.
    "The ancient battlefield is full of crises. That call may be an opportunity, but it may also be a crisis. Let’s not worry and explore while walking to avoid an uncontrollable situation."
    Xu Ren didn’t expect little darling to enter the ancient battlefield and have induction.
    According to Xu Ren, the ancient battlefield is full of opportunities, most of which are due to the fall of some ancient great powers. At the beginning of the ancient battlefield, I will find a suitable successor to let my will continue.
    Of course, these ancient great powers have different tempers and set different tests. There are also many fallen demons and demon families who are also looking for their own will bearers.
    "Let’s try not to tell each other. Since the little boy had an induction first, let’s look for it according to his induction first."
    Ling Ruyan frowned slightly after listening to the conversation between Xiaoer and Xu Ren. Of course, she also knew that it might be dangerous to follow Xiaoer’s induction, but it was better than them bumping around like headless flies.
    "Well, it’s also a way. It’s also very beneficial for us to explore this ancient battlefield if the little boy can get the strength and get promoted."
    Su Ladies didn’t object to Ling Ruyan’s arrangement, because Xiao Xiaoer is not only Ling Ruyan’s younger brother, but also Xu Ren’s younger sister. It is naturally beneficial for everyone that Xiao Xiaoer got the opportunity.

  • It’s not so easy for other sects to find out what the Shushan Sword Sect is now, but the Shushan Sword Sect knows their situation like the back of its hand.

    Chapter two hundred and twenty-four Let him teach you Go
    Those who fix the truth have their own way of life in Shushan and overseas, but the secular world is different. They have to adapt to this new game rule.
    "Yes …" Zhang Bao wanted to explain it, but another thought … Forget it, the explanation is not white.
    However, Zhangbao was still careful to wake up. "Elder Daoyuan and Taoist Fire are so many of them that it is hard to resist the descendant of the transformed beast and he has accomplices. I don’t know if there is anything with the Sword Sect of Shushan, but he killed us Emei Sect and we will meet them sooner or later. Should we inform Zhangjiao to get ready first?"
    "Bang …" Celestial pole smashed the table next to it with a palm, saying that the person who fixes the truth is weak because it depends on who is better than ordinary people, and many of them are better than ordinary fighters. It is weak in Wentao’s eyes. At this time, the celestial pole smashed the table with a palm, which is also very imposing.
    "What do you mean, the elders can’t stop them in town?" It’s not that everyone in the faction doesn’t know what they think of him. Being looked down upon by a secular agent at this time makes him more angry.
    Zhang Bao quickly knelt down and said, "Zhang Bao dare not."
    "If you dare, I think you just want to die. You haven’t done your own thing well. If someone else had changed, you would have been solved first. There is also a need for the elders and the secular world to link up with Shushan and the teacher brothers one day. Everything must be allowed by me."
    "Yes, yes …" Road flyover Zhangbao nodded repeatedly, and his head broke out in a sweat. It was the first time that Taoist Zhangbao was so angry, which made it clear that road flyover Zhangbao was a thing. Even if he was worse, he was an Emei Sect elder and a Tianshouzhang teacher’s younger brother. He was just a secular agent. If he killed himself, he would be moving his fingers.
    Road flyover celestial pole gave Zhang Bao a reprimand before letting him go out and check immediately.
    Road flyover celestial pole vented a few words at Zhangbao and also pondered this matter. Daoyuan’s strength was as good as his own, and his three early masters in Du Jie and so many people had an accident.
    When I think of it, people on the celestial pole also feel a little cold in their backs. It seems that things are getting more and more troublesome for the town itself … Can you still sit still?
    Maybe … I really should say hello to Mr. Zhang and see if I can …
    The scenery of Confucius’ home is still artificial. In the pavilion of the lake, Kong Wenhao is playing chess with the East.
    Kong Jie sat and watched.
    This time, Wentao fell directly from it, and he didn’t deliberately hide it or speed up. As soon as he fell, Kong Wenhao and Oriental Sword had already seen it.
    Both of them quickly got up and stepped out of the pavilion.
    "Doctor Wen"
    "Well," Wentao nodded with a smile. "Two great grandfathers don’t have to be so polite. Let’s chat inside."
    Kong Jie is also very nai behind them. Seeing Wentao looking at him, he can shrug his shoulders and help stand his hand.
    It’s really weird that Wentao and Kong Jie are so casual together, but both masters are cautious. Finally, they haven’t gone too far, otherwise Wentao really can’t be with the three of them at the same time.
    "Doctor Wen, please" Kong Wenhao looks sideways at the Oriental Sword. Please see that Wen Tao shakes his head slightly and chuckles at Kong Wenhao’s way. "Maybe the age of the two of us in the field of martial arts is nothing, but the two of us are old-fashioned because we have been in the martial arts field for a long time. Maybe those in the field of martial arts who have lived for thousands of years may not necessarily have the mentality of the two of us. The two stubborn doctors Wen will forgive you and Kong Jie for that, but we have our own rules."
    "Since the two masters have said so, I will call them two masters. This toothpaste is more casual. You can call me anything you like." These forms of things are not so pursued.
    Stepping into the pavilion, Kong Wenhao followed the Oriental Sword.
    "You, you and I will watch for a while." Seeing that they are going to put away the chess, Wentao is busy preventing the two from coming to the end. This kind of thing is not formal and they get up again.
    I have to say that the two chess players are very good, and they are less likely to lose and win than the general national players. Their style determines their chess path, and the eastern sword is like a sword, attacking and attacking again.
    Kong Wenhao, on the other hand, is just like Tai Chi. He is not in a hurry and has a good schedule.
    This is a simple look at chess. Wentao looked up at Kong Jie, and Kong Jie just looked up at him and smiled.
    The game ended soon. Kong Jie immediately helped to liquidate Kong Wenhao and won a little. Then Kong Jie commented on the whole game as a teacher.
    "Grandfather Dongfang Grandfather, you talked to Wentao first, and I went to the company to have a look." After the comment, Kong Jie put away the chessboard and got up and left him. He knew that Wentao had come to see two grandfathers about their world affairs.
    Myself … I don’t belong to that world yet, so I can say it depends on the situation. At present, Kong Jie still doesn’t recognize how attractive that world is to me.
    Kong Wenhao asked, "Dr. Wen, do you also play chess?"
    Window lightly smiled and nodded "a little"
    "Then sometimes you can talk to Kong Jie, Kong Jie, and you still have a certain talent in chess. If you don’t understand anything, ask him." Although they respect them very much because of Wen Tao’s kindness to them and Wen Tao’s medical skills, they still talk as family in their hearts.
    "Hua …" Kong Jie just walked out a few steps with the chessboard and just heard Kong Wenhao’s words. An innate level fighter lost his mind and actually dropped the chess box.
    This abnormal situation naturally attracted Kong Wenhao to look at the East Sword with attention.
    The dead Kong Jie looked at Kong Jie’s back and must have laughed badly. Is it so exaggerated?
    "Great grandpa …" Kong Jie tried to hold back his laughter in pain, but he couldn’t hold back. "Oh … don’t listen to Wentao’s modest Go. He also gave me some advice."
    Kong Jie finished bending over and sweeping the legs, and a strong qi played all the chess. Kong Jie threw his hands at the chessboard and held Tai Chi with his hands. A slight movement had already drawn all the chess around him.
    If it weren’t for two masters, he would definitely play cool Wentao, but it’s not convenient at this time. Forget it. This guy would certainly be as good as Luo Zhenfeng if he hadn’t been strict with Master Kong Wenhao for a long time.
    Kong Jie is even more surprised when he is away from Kong Wenhao and the sword in the East. Looking at Wentao, you should know that Go is not much different from the person who fixes the truth, because it depends on IQ and talent, not the person who fixes the truth.
    "Well, I’m here to tell the two masters that you’ve been to the place where you met me recently." Think about how uncomfortable it will be when the two masters worship and look at you with amazing eyes. Wentao quickly missed the topic, but I want to fill this guy Kong Jie in my heart.
    Sure enough, when it comes to things, both of them are serious.
    "I want to operate on the two masters after I have the blood of the emperor’s blood clan, but the most important thing is whether the blood has mutated this time. Will that kind of light effect have the same opposite effect?" Wentao simply explained that his main concern is that the red shirt of the master elder brother can change. If Kong Wenhao and Oriental Sword absorb this force, will it also produce any changes?
    Now, I am not so familiar with the transformation of the master elder brother, so I will naturally have some concerns.
    The two masters’ words are still the same as before. Wen Tao knows this, but he still has to tell them the situation carefully. After all, they will develop after this.
    "Ha …" After listening to Wen Tao’s worry, Oriental Sword laughed. "This is terrible. People who have fixed the truth have already had objections. Even if they really change or change, normal people are called."

  • ……

    Most areas of the empire outside Xiaguang City have not been hit by disaster waves, but they have also fallen into panic.
    The Dark Day was the catastrophe end of the Candeira Empire.
    And some cities that are shrouded in dead areas have fallen into darkness.
    "Don’t stop me!"
    A cold wind whistling in a plain has been one meter long, and six girls are as cold as this cold wind.
    "The teacher said that the welfare home is fine for the time being."
    Liu Feng, a young boy with several swords on his back, sighed, "I understand your feelings, senior martial sister, and I want to get back to the welfare home, but we are not strong enough at this time. If we fall in when we cross the dirty mark, it will be a waste of trouble for the teacher!"
    "Be rational!"
    The girl clenched her fist in silence.
    Fly to the end of the dark plain in the distance
    She rushed into the tide of evil and set off a bloody storm.
    Looking at the direction of Xiaguang City from the height of the stream front, he stepped into the boundless sky and disappeared at the end of the sword light.
    More than half a month has passed since Xiaguang City fell into darkness.
    The city wailed.
    In the face of the dark impact, there are many lucky people in Xiaguang City, but it is the trouble to deal with them later.
    Fortunately, the lucky ones arranged food as a whole to resist the wave of evil spirits, and so on, which made the Lord of the dust cellar feel overwhelmed.
    And …
    "Where are the reinforcements?"
    "It’s been half a month, and even the reinforcements can’t see a hair!"
    The demigod of dust sprayed angrily at the adjutant.
    The puppet adjutant of advanced intelligence seems to be very embarrassed. "Lord, there is nothing that can be done. There are disasters all over the empire, and priority can be given to helping places with more serious disasters, while our Xiaguang City can still hold on."
    The demigod "# @%! !”
    He continued to anger spray.
    The strong man is weak, and the evil tide keeps oozing out, and his demigod is also unable to do it at once.
    And the empire was so short of manpower?
    "You should also know that the empire has put most of its manpower and material resources into the No.1 plan."
    "But the glow city has a population of hundreds of millions! And its city empire just watched billions of people suffer? !”
    Once Xiaguang City falls, it will be restrained and the unstoppable situation will spread around, and the whole Yunxia province may fall!
    "Now, there is still a chance to stop the scar before it really spreads!"
    "But you should also know the importance of the No.1 plan. If the plan fails, it will be difficult for the empire … It is not important to gain or lose one city and one place."
    A demigod sighs.
    In the eyes of most myths, disasters will eventually be suppressed, and they will always be Candeira people bathed in glory.
    But the darkness in his eyes has already enveloped the earth, and the dim light makes people … breathless
    "Continue to stick to it!"
    "If there is still one soldier in Xiaguang City, we must … stop the spread of filth marks!"
    The city exploded and roared, and the broken buildings were covered with gray and black. In just over half a month, it seemed that it had been washed away for more than ten years and became worse than gray.
    Dark brown blood vessels are all over the city suburb.
    "Come in! Oooo! "

  • "Spring grass, you’re right! Then you will listen to your fifty dollars and fifty dollars will be fine! "

    After getting Yanji’s consent, Weng Chuncao just returned to Pi Jianli’s face, saying, "The leader of Pi always said that it was the first time to do business with you today, and she agreed to make you a friend by raising the unit price to 50 yuan!"
    "Ha ha calculate her YanJiCong! But when will you make the payment? "
    "Before five o’clock today, 750,000 yuan will be credited to your account!"
    "Haha, I’ll wait for the money!" Skin strong laugh a drive home.
    A gust of wind rushed to the house before the wagon cannon was strong, so he hurriedly locked the gate and farted. "Did you get a kickback?" How much did you take? "
    "Village chief Pi, this is your kickback. How many bundles of money do you have?"
    When the leather cannon took the bag, it suddenly looked like a miser’s eyes widened with excitement when he saw Jin Yuanbao. "Oh, my God!"
    Seeing Pi Jianli move out of the two cash boxes and open them, he said, "Pi Cunchang, look at how much this is?"
    "Strong hundreds of thousands of here? But no matter how much money there is, this is to enter the village public funds, not our family! " Leather cannon looked at hundreds of thousands of cash flow up the saliva.
    "If you want to say that you are stupid, you are better than anyone else. This 300,000 yuan I specifically asked Dongfang to take cash is not unnecessary. I don’t intend to enter it in the account. This 300,000 yuan is our house!" Leather strong throw a big bang way
    Smell speech leather cannon almost didn’t fart pier sat down to frighten face changed way "son shall not shall not, one thousand found out that our house have to eat! You’re greedy. It’s not enough to get a kickback of 10,000 yuan. You have to reach out for the payment! "
    "I said leather cannon you when I’m stupid? I got this 300,000 yuan payment from Yanji again. You are afraid of nothing! "
    "What do you mean, it’s back?" Leather cannon a face of Meng than.
    "Yanji took away 15 thousand Jin of anti-fate food. The original unit price was 30 yuan. When I rose to 50 yuan, it was not a flat account?" Skin strong air way
    "Mama ah strong you this child ha ha become fine? Not bad, not bad, haha! " Leather cannon is full of an epiphany expression way
    "Village chief Pi, I’m going to be even more ruthless to rise to 100 yuan. That bitch Yanji doesn’t want me to have a place to sell. Haha!" The ghost shaved his head and threw another big bang.
    "What? Sturdy, aren’t you too hard on this kid? 100 yuan, 15 thousand Jin, and the light payment will be 1.5 million! " Leather cannon face big lane change.
    "Pi Cunchang is not poisonous to her husband. Anyway, after Pi two dog died, no one can grow a fate. There are only a few days in the vegetable field. If I don’t take the opportunity to make a fortune, am I still a ghost?" And he’s very proud of his strong skin and the name of ghost shaving.
    Chapter 33 Jiang Ying compromise
    "Children say that you are a ghost shaved head. This name is not for nothing!" Jiang Ying, the father of Pi’s family, was not happy at all, but jumped out and accused him, "Pi is strong. Are you not afraid of a thunder and chopping you off?" There is also a leather cannon, and you are a bad breed! "
    "Mom, how do you call this wicked? I didn’t buy and sell strongly in the market demand! " Leather solid with a way.
    "Is yellow face shiva you know a fart! If you want to get rich, you are shameless and call me a bad seed. You yellow-faced bitch dare to beat you with your boss’s fist! " The leather cannon yelled at Jiang Ying and dared not answer back.
    Seeing that the leather cannon scolded the adoptive mother as a dog, the leather cannon immediately complained, "If you yell at my mother like that again, I’ll go back to the provincial capital, you old bastard!"
    "You are a ghost shaving your head. You are worse than me!" Leather cannon is really a little mind. This old-age bastard knows that raising leather is ten times more vicious than himself and one hundred times more insidious. two dog’s cow ratio has been raised and killed.
    The real Lippi cannon was afraid of being tough and tough, and scolded him for not daring to fart.
    "Bad old bastard I again bad won’t hurt my mother won’t hurt his family! What about you? You old bastard have domestic violence against my mother. Give me a promise. Will you dare to yell at my mother again? " Strong leather bash elbows staring at leather cannon.
    "You want me to guarantee that the skin is strong, but I have the conditions!" To tell the truth, if it weren’t for the strong skin, he was trampled by Pi two dog in Da Nai Village. He knows that everything is going well now, but Pi two dog, the horse wang hong, is still looking for someone in the mountains to wait for her to come back. She knows that Pi two dog’s famous industry has been taken over, and it will definitely set off a storm.
    No matter how big the temper is, the cannon at this juncture can’t be sent out. On the contrary, he will do everything possible to make the skin strong and happy.
    "The old bastard still has conditions. What conditions?" The strong leather family has made great contributions, and now it seems that he is in charge.
    When Pi Cannon saw his senior daughter-in-law Sang Danhong eavesdropping in the hospital, he was busy calling Pi Jianli to the second floor and making a sound-proof secret room door to discuss, "Look, Sang Danhong is over forty. She estimates that you can’t stay in our house. You just earned a kickback of 300,000 plus 10,000 yuan. Why don’t you just marry a daughter-in-law for you and keep it from Sang Danhong until your new daughter-in-law has a monkey?"
    "Old things what are you thinking? Both Sang Danhong and I have obtained the license. Would you let me marry another one who broke the law and didn’t tell Danhong? Can this deceive you when she is stupid? " Pi Jian gave dad a bad idea and snorted.
    "I don’t think it looks like a ghost shaving your head. I ask you if you want to stay behind?"
    "I think Dan Hong can’t have one after birth!"
    "You silly fork adoption can ghost shave your head than your own? I am so angry! "
    "Well, then tell me how you can hide Dan Hong from such a big event?" The strong mind of the skin is really a little loose. He said that even if he doesn’t think about it himself, he should consider his adoptive mother Jiang Ying. Her old man’s house is getting older every day. If he can leave a grandson at home, his adoptive mother will have a grandson to support him. Second, he can divert his attention from the leather cannon so that he can take his mother as a punching bag if he is fine.
    "Your provincial capital is not a company? Find an excuse to send her back to the provincial capital! "
    In a word, the leather cannon woke up. The sturdy ghost shaved his head and touched the dog’s head. He finally nodded and said, "Well, this can be!"
    See have agreed to leather cannon ecstatic way "son that nine planets city ground you have a girl? It is best to pay in one hand and get the goods in the other. If you don’t have a dad to help you blind date! "
    "Cannon, I have a special preference in advance. You know, I promised to stay, but I didn’t leave it for my mother Jiang Ying to have grandchildren!"
    "Hehehe, I want you to promise to help Pijia stay and wait until you have a room with your new wife. I’ll write you a guarantee and then I won’t beat and scold Jiang Ying again. If you dare to do it again, you will be punished!" Leather cannon swear swear
    "cannon, you say!"
    "Strong Liu Wen? This girl is 19 years old and tender this year, and she is the boss of Nishang Company and you? Daughter, she must be a handsome boy and a beautiful girl. Just say, ok? " Leather cannon cheerful out a candidate way
    "You said that crazy girl, she will look at me, don’t tease me!"
    "Don’t try how do you know? Besides, if you shave your head, won’t you find a way? For example, call her back for dinner and add some sleeping pills to her bowl and then you know! "
    "Leather cannon, I am a ghost shaving my head, but my skin is strong and I can’t shave a woman’s head!" Leather strong nu way
    "That’s it. Why don’t you stay a little later?"
    When the father and the father discussed it properly, the father split up and said that Sang Danhong would go back to the provincial capital to take care of the company’s leather cannon. He came to the bedroom to see Jiang Ying’s room and tidy up the wardrobe. The old bastard put honey in his mouth and made Jiang Ying happy.
    Then the couple did something in broad daylight.
    Half an hour later, Jiang Ying felt comfortable and in a good mood, so she nailed a leather cannon and screamed, "Cannon, you must have something to ask me for today. What is it?"
    "Hey, do you want to have grandchildren?" Leather cannon alacrity with Jiang Ying again remind of the Liu Yanjiao di di appearance.
    "Want to dream! Alas, it’s all strong. This child likes to be young. If he is over forty, he can’t be born and don’t know what to do? " Speaking of holding grandchildren, Jiang Ying has no temper at all.
    "Ying, I discussed with the sturdy boy to send Danhong back to the provincial capital first, and then stay with the sturdy family!"
    Jiang Ying suddenly let a big bang from the cannon get confused. "Isn’t that bigamy from the cannon?" Even if the strong boy agrees, will Sang Danhong be happy? When the time comes, let her know that our family is not making a fuss? "
    "If you can leave the old woman behind and ignore her, how dare she tear down our house?" Leather cannon is full of a pair of flow mans phase way.
    "Well, it’s just a matter of fact that two dog is hundreds of thousands, so I’ll take this ambiguous money to find a small one. Who do you think is better?" Jiang Ying is the only husband who follows her lead. Besides, she really wants to hold her grandson, but she doesn’t even have any hope.
    "You are a yellow-faced woman what call mei heart money? Pi two dog is dead. This money is not earned for nothing! "
    "All right, you say which girl is right? With this 300 thousand, you can get a beautiful room! College students can! "
    "Liu Wen? This girl is nineteen years old this year, and she is your goddaughter or the boss of a company. She has no choice in ability, appearance and age! "
    Jiang Ying a listen to leather cannon dozen Liu Wen idea immediately in distress situation, "you this old thing wander that wild skin strong which can accept her? Wenwen, I know that girl doesn’t think that way about our strong roots. Don’t do it! "
    "Stupid bitch, no matter how wild she is, she is also a woman. You can’t think, but this-"When you are a leather cannon, teach her this and this.
    Jiang Ying hesitated. "Cannon, isn’t it too dark? Wenwen is good to our family. Every time she comes back, it’s not a big bag. Just that she gives filial piety money for tens of thousands a year. I disagree! "
    "Stupid woman, if you are soft-hearted, who will stay behind? Anyway, she will have monkeys in the future. Who will give birth to them? "
    "It’s up to you to decide who to live with, not who to live with!" Jiang Ying is also eager for her grandson, and she is shameless.

  • At this time, the three suns turned into a black light and two silver lights flashed across the vault from different directions and different positions.

    Have a good meal.
    Then the body spit out a few blood waves, and the sword light suddenly broke out all over the sky, as if it were even cut
    Finally, the sword light bursts and bursts out several fine and flying energy jets, which makes the vault body like the general dust of the pushed sand castle drifting away with the wind.
    "Shout …"
    Tianyang vomited a sigh to remove the "upside down" and then took out the "energy ball" to supplement the consumption of star aggregates.
    After a while, he didn’t put it away, then picked up the "blood drink" and tried to inject it into the star. "Blood drink" suddenly had a reaction. Tianyang waved it at will and saw the long knife spit out feet of rust and red knife and left several scratches with different shades on the ground.
    "Not bad"
    Tianyang satisfactorily put away this’ Zhanli’ and made a snap of his fingers. A mysterious arch was outlined in the silver light, and Tianyang stepped in and entered the drifting town of collection room.
    Chapter 115 Control the blood city
    Drifting town
    In collection room, Tianyang watched her fight for blood.
    The blade of this combat knife has a slight curvature. I don’t know what material is used to build the blade, which always gives people the illusion of continuous bleeding.
    The blade of its grip seems to be integrated. The black blade and the black strap of the grip were added later.
    Put the knife in its sheath and Tianyang sat stupefied for a moment before saying to himself, "I killed a rank 7?"
    But then he shook his head and laughed. "This is nothing to be proud of. If the crimson demon hadn’t hit him hard, if it hadn’t been’ upside down’, I wouldn’t have been able to kill such a strong man."
    "Rank 7 Sublimation Road, an important qualitative change node, is not so good to surpass. If I didn’t benefit from the inverse boundary and have a’ upside down maze’, I don’t think I could kill the vault if I lost ten."
    "Moreover, in the 7 th rank of the vault, it is not particularly fierce. There is no’ big astronomical phenomenon’ and no foreign body, that is, the most moderately strong."
    "But then again,’ upside down’ is more real than I thought, and even the strong in rank 7 can fight it."
    Tianyang recalled that it was very important for him to sum up his experience after the war by "reversing the maze" for the first time in his fight with vault Wu.
    "So it seems that’ reversing the maze’ should be suitable for the strong in higher vocational colleges. After all, even the gods will be affected by it. It is much smaller that the gods have multiple qualities to fight against."
    "In other words, if you have not mastered the quality, you are not an opponent of" upside down "? Well, not really. I don’t know, but if it’s Mr. Yunhai or Torre, they can directly start their own’ big weather’ confrontation. "
    "Whether it’s’ the rising of the sea and the moon’ or’ 10 trillion scorched earth’ is very wide, and the weather is far beyond the scope of’ upside down’. Even if their senses are affected, there are still means to target me."
    "In addition, if the vault was not hit hard and energetic, it would probably not be so easily affected by’ lost’, which led to confusion and gave me an opportunity."
    "Finally, the ability of" reversing the maze "is very strong, but the consumption is also large. It takes about a month to make a dark source crystal and refine a protocrystal every time …"
    Tianyang stretched himself and said, "This harvest is still good. I killed the vault, got’ blood drink’ and found a capital."
    "Well, I won’t sign up for this capital, and I’ll come back after I’m promoted to rank 7 to explore it myself. Besides it, the’ Shadow Shrine’ in the high mountain fortress and the secret symbols in the deep sea fortress are still waiting for me to explore and discover the secrets in the reverse world …"
    With a snap of his fingers, Tianyang returned to the scavenger city through the "crack door"
    It’s already daytime. Lu Se is still lying in her bedroom. There are two naked women in the big bed.
    As usual, Lu Se has to sleep until noon, so he usually draws curtains to keep the bedroom dark.
    But then suddenly a beam of sunshine shone on Lu Se’s face.
    Lu Se’s eyelids twitched for a moment and then he woke up and swore, "Who pulled the curtain and pulled it for me!"
    His hand blocked his eyes and vaguely saw a figure standing by the window, but instead of pulling the curtains, this man gave them to him. Suddenly, the bedroom became brighter than the garbage in the city, and the sunshine made Lu Se’s last drowsiness disappear
    He got up angrily and suddenly his neck got cold.
    Lu Se suddenly saw a blood-red long knife resting on the neck, and the blade seemed to have blood rolling.
    "The first … leader?"
    Because of the backlight, Lu Se didn’t see the person in front of him clearly, but at this moment he heard the humanitarian "There is no such person in the city of garbage collection after the vault is dead."
    Lu Se’s muscles collapsed and he could hardly believe his ears.
    Kyungwoo is dead?
    That man is dead?
    How is that possible?
    The neck’ blood drink’ was taken. When the man sat on a sofa in the bedroom, Lu Se saw that it was the new young member who had seen the Thunder Parliament before.
    Tianyang casually put aside the "blood drink" and looked at Lu Se’s way, "You should get dressed quickly."
    Lu Se’s mind is blank. When he hears this, he can follow Tianyang’s words effectively.
    At this time, two women in his bed woke up to see an unexpected guest in the bedroom and immediately screamed.
    Push, push, push!
    There were footsteps outside, and several guards in Lu Se broke in and saw Tianyang immediately raised his gun.
    "Stop it!"
    Lu Se hurriedly stop he didn’t want to cause Tianyang misunderstanding. He hurriedly said, "Get out of here. It’s none of your business."
    He also ordered the women in bed not to give them a chance to dress and let them leave wrapped in a sheet.
    Lu Se swallowed the door again. "Tianyang … Tianyang’s adult, is that true? Is the vault dead? "
    "Yes, after the blood city is you" Tianyang smile.
    Lu Se’s face suddenly burst into laughter, but he listened to Tianyang Road again. "But you have to obey me. If you dare to object to my decision or disobey my wishes, I don’t mind changing the leader of Blood City."
    Lu Se looked at the’ blood drink’ casually put aside by Tianyang behind him and immediately primly said, "Please rest assured that I am a dog at your feet from this moment, Tianyang’s adult!"

  • Yun Fan inquired to see a huge spotted tiger coming out of the next mountain peak.

    This spotted giant tiger is very huge, with more than ten feet, long feet and four claws, which seem to be burning with flames. Its huge head and forehead have a very conspicuous king’s character.
    A man who smells like a mountain and sea gene, the back of this spotted giant tiger
    In the distance, the Major General looked surprised and said, "The seven-level gene monster’ Spotted Fire Wang Hu’ and a seven-level gene warrior are all equivalent to the strength of the five-qi Chao Yuan. Why doesn’t Yun Fan retreat?"
    Chapter 163 War seven gene monster (the first! Five! More! )
    Wang Hu, the spotted fire, came out of the mountain peak and suddenly jumped into the sky.
    Seeing that its feet are empty, every foot is bursting like Lei Yin’s body, but it is steady and empty in the sky
    Yun Fan looked at the mottled fire coming from the virtual scene. When Wang Hu saw his gene monsters, he knew that this was a seven-level gene monster.
    The gene man can be a seven-gene monster. The back should be a seven-gene warrior.
    A seven-gene monster and a seven-gene warrior, Yun Fan, are still standing still.
    After reaching the peak of Zhendan’s territory, Xingluo Jianfa and Xuan Yue’s handprint reached the realm, Yun Fan wanted to find a bucket of the strong in the Five Qi Dynasty.
    Theory is seven gene monster or seven gene warrior strength and five gas toward the yuan a level of the strong Yun Fan just try.
    When the spotted fire Wang Hu is close to the sky, the seven-level gene warrior leaps to the side of the red feather magic eagle group, and his body explodes forward and falls to the back of a six-level red feather magic eagle, and then waves his hand at Yunfan.
    Spotted fire Wang Hu suddenly a roar sound shook the earth, and the sound waves spread like ripples in an instant and set off a gust of wind.
    The wind follows the tiger and the tiger follows the wind.
    Spotted fire Wang Hu rushed forward along the wind and rushed to Yunfan’s blood basin. The flames and blades spit it out from his mouth.
    This flame blade is as long as ten feet, splitting the sky into a virtual mark, and its power is as shocking as a strong blow in the early stage of Five Qi.
    Yun Fan palm a press a Xuan Yue big handprint took out.
    The huge Xuan Yue handprint is like a giant palm, and the ten-foot-long flame blade collides together.
    An explosive sound shook the sky, and the ripples of terrorist impact spread like a cloud ring and rushed out of more than 100 meters in an instant.
    The flame blade cut off the crescent mark in Xuan Yue’s handprint, and broke a crack more than one meter deep in Xuan Yue’s handprint and then melted away.
    Although the flame blade is sharp, it is still stronger than Yun Fan Xuan Yue’s handprint.
    The seven gene soldiers didn’t make moves. It was the spotted fire Wang Hu who came to Yun Fan to continue to display Xuan Yue’s handprint against the enemy.
    Spotted fire Wang Hu saw it spit out flames and its blade was defeated. A roaring huge body directly hit Yunfan and leaned out a huge claw to slap Yun Fan.
    Yun Fan’s figure flickered and appeared tens of meters away, turning back a palm.
    As soon as Wang Hu shot down Yun Fan, he hit Xuan Yue’s big handprint, but it was shot by explosion, which was more than ten feet high and bigger than Wang Hu’s body.
    Spotted fire Wang Hu’s body was swept by an iron tail, and Xuan Yue’s big handprint collided with each other.
    Wang Hu’s body was shaken by the terrorist force of Xuan Yue’s big handprint, and a lot of hair fell from the iron tail, which was chopped off by the crescent moon mark of the palm print.
    Spotted fire Wang Hu ate a loss and roared with anger.
    Boom boom …
    At this time, Yun Fan’s hands were roaring repeatedly, taking advantage of the opportunity that Wang Hu, the spotted fire, was knocked back. Xuan Yue’s big handprint went to Wang Hu, the spotted fire, one after another.
    The spotted fire king spits out flames, and the iron tail sweeps the claws and slaps all the attacks. Xuan Yue’s handprint collides again and again, but it is blown back again and again.
    Its hair was chopped off repeatedly by the meniscus mark, and even a piece of skin was cut off.
    A few breaths, spotted fire, Wang Hu, was thrown out 100 meters.
    Spotted fire Wang Hu was strong and strong, and his skin was strong. Even if he was blown hundreds of meters away, he was not hurt.
    All of a sudden, the spotted fire, Wang Hu, roared in the sky and burst into flames, and the power of genetic talent rose sharply
    There are various attributes of heaven and earth. At this moment, the vitality of the fire is attracted by Wang Hu, the spotted fire, and it keeps the flame burning and greatly increases the strength of Wang Hu.
    Wang Hu, the spotted fire, rushed to Yunfan again.
    Wang Hu, who was burning with flame and mottled fire, was like a god to help the power explode. Xuan Yue’s handprint was recklessly on the front, and Xuan Yue’s handprint was defeated by Wang Hu.
    However, Yun Fan hit Xuan Yue’s handprint one by one, and Wang Hu defeated a second one. Although it was no longer repelled by Xuan Yue’s handprint, it was difficult to continuously break Xuan Yue’s handprint and counterattack Yun Fan Exhibition.
    At that time, it was a bit close.
    What a trick to pick!
    Yun Fan also cast a martial arts skill, Luo Zhen Gang, and suddenly the wind around him stirred up the true qi and condensed like a dragon and tiger entrenched in the body, and Yun Fan’s power increased greatly.
    Xuan Yue’s handprint is the strength type, and the strength of Wushu Yunfan has greatly increased, and the power of Xuan Yue’s handprint has also exploded.
    Wang Hu, who was burning with flame and mottled fire, once again put together Xuan Yue’s handprint.
    An explosive virtual earthquake set off poor air billow.
    This time, the result was a sudden change. The flame burned and the spotted fire Wang Hu was shocked by a palm.
    Yun Fan stepped on and hit the second palm.
    His external qi is as strong as a dragon and tiger, and his power is overwhelming.
    There was another explosion, and there was a mottled fire spreading like a cloud ring. Once again, a huge earthquake in Wang Hu was knocked back by tens of meters.
    Yun Fan trotted quickly, followed by the third palm.
    The palm will be spotted fire Wang Hu fully blasted out hundreds of meters outside the flame were scattered maw a cough spit out one mouthful blood has been injured.
    The nearby gene people were dumbfounded, and the distant major general also had a face of surprise.
    Yun Fan this strength is the enemy.
    The seven gene fighters among the gene people finally couldn’t see it. They roared "Ga-!"
    He rushed out from the back of the red feather magic eagle, and the foot was empty, and the far supersonic speed repeatedly exploded and rushed at Yunfan.
    He reached twice the speed of sound, and the virtual vibration was caused by his rapid movement.
    Seven gene soldiers blow out the gas in front of them, and they are instantly blown up. The virtual compression boxing strength shows up like a mansion with a huge fist coming at Yunfan.
    The power of this punch is extremely terrible and earth-shattering.
    Aside the spotted fire, Wang Hu’s body flared up again, growling angrily and charging at Yunfan.
    At the same time, Yun Fan is faced with the converging attack of two powerful men who are quite "five qi Chao Yuan".
    In the clouds in the distance, the look of Major General K55 in the mecha was suddenly shocked. The strength of the seven gene fighters was stronger than that of Wang Hu, a spotted fire. Two people converging attack and other terrible Yun Fan still did not retreat. Can they still compete?
    At this moment, Yun Fan’s right palm cast Xuan Yue’s big handprint unchanged, and his left hand suddenly shot out with a wave of a sword of light.
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    Chapter 164 Sweeping the enemy (the first! One! More! )
    Xuan Yue’s handprint is as high as ten feet, like a giant hand hitting Wang Hu with a virtual slap.