Don’t easily appear in crowded places and accidentally cause mass casualties among people.
Angus walked a winding path paved with rows of stone slabs, carrying a huge sword, but his steps were light and terrible. His white eye has been completely black, and his original golden yellow eye pupil has been reduced by one, and it has become dark yellow. However, this is his incomparable pride. Angus, who…
Lu Chen looked at Gong Zhixiong and Orange Zhengzong. "You can’t expect me to chop down your gods in the water after I go. I will be crushed to death by the deep sea pressure."
Lu Chen looked serious and said it was true. Gong Zhixiong shook his head. "Of course not. Our rock flow research institute will work hard for days to prepare the latest alchemy bomb. The most advanced technology of alchemy and technology is used. The explosion range is small, but there are many kinds of deadly…
There is a dark archway with five colors in the center.
It was he who borrowed the Five Ghosts King’s strength to refine the local evil spirit map. Nowadays, the handle of Qingyun Mountain has become an evil array to protect the mountain, and it has also shown its weather. It’s not that he always buries this volume of the detective array in the mountains. With…
At this time, Zhao Linger and others also found that the female snake demon who had defeated them was Zhao Linger’s mother-Qing Er!
In this case, it is not difficult for them to guess the identity of King Kong again. The day did not deny that it was very calm to admit it. Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru really had some weather because of this. Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru were really scared when they were in the…
"Mom, my eyes!" The hound howled miserably from one side-he kept his eyes wide open and stared at the laser that entered the position and took off his helmet … At the moment when the spot exploded, his eyes were directly blinded.
He lost the gun in his hand, covered his eyes with his hands, and his tears kept flowing along his fingers-if Leighton hadn’t grabbed his shoulder with the load, he might have lost his balance and fell to the ground. After the laser pulse enters the resonance force field, the brightness of the strong light…
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